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Paris Saint Germain vs Borussia Dortmund: Analysis and Prediction of the Champions League match

May 5, 2024

Paris Saint-Germain will try to make up for the mistakes of the first encounter in this return match on Tuesday against Borussia Dortmund.

Let's analyze the statistics of the two teams:

Paris Saint-Germain:
- In the last match on May 1, 2024, they lost to Borussia Dortmund with a score of 1-0. 
- In the last 5 matches, they have won 3 times, lost 1 time, and drawn 1 time. They have scored an average of 3 goals per match and conceded 1.4 goals. 
- At least 1 goal has been scored by Paris Saint Germain in the last 19 home matches. 
- In the last 8 matches, at least 1 goal has been scored in the first half.
- They have conceded at least 1 goal in the last 7 matches. 
- Both teams have scored in the last 4 home games of Paris Saint Germain.
- They haven't lost in 18 of their last 19 home matches. 
- They have scored at least 2 goals in 5 of the last 6 matches. 
- More than 3.5 goals have been scored in 5 of the last 6 matches.

Borussia Dortmund:
- In the last match on May 4, 2024, they defeated FC Augsburg with a score of 5-1. 
- In the last 5 matches, they have won 3 times, lost 1 time, and drawn 1 time. They have scored an average of 2.4 goals per match and conceded 1.6 goals. 
- At least 1 goal has been scored by Borussia Dortmund in the last 9 Champions League matches. 
- In the last 8 away matches, at least 1 goal has been scored in the first half. 
- They have conceded at least 1 goal in 14 of their last 15 away matches in the Champions League. 
- They haven't lost in 9 of their last 10 matches in the Champions League.
- Both teams have scored in 6 of the last 7 matches.

In the last direct encounter on May 1, 2024, Borussia Dortmund defeated Paris Saint-Germain at home with a score of 1-0. In their last 5 direct encounters, Paris Saint-Germain has won 2 times, Borussia Dortmund has won 2 times, and they have drawn 1 time. Paris Saint-Germain has scored an average of 1.2 goals per match, while Borussia Dortmund has scored an average of 0.8 goals per match. 

Donnarumma; Hakimi, Marquinhos, Beraldo, Mendes; Ruiz, Vitinha, Zaire-Emery; Dembele, Ramos, Mbappe
Kobel; Ryerson, Hummels, Schlotterbeck, Maatsen; Sabitzer, Can; Sancho, Brandt, Adeyemi; Fullkrug

psg - dortmund

BetMines predicts a final result with more than 2.5 goals scored.

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